Finalised projects

Universite de bordeaux

Professional gender equality. From negotiation to implementation of company agreements in Aquitaine//




Conseil régional d'Aquitaine (with cofinancing from CNRS / Université Bordeaux)

Project's holder:

Guillaume Santoro

Associated team:

Centre Emile Durkheim (CNRS / Université Bordeaux) / Institut de Recherche en Gestion des Organisations (Université Bordeaux)


5 years - October 2015-December 2020


This research aims to carry out an analysis of professional gender equality agreements signed in companies in Aquitaine.

A study of all the texts found in Aquitaine, since the requirement to negotiate an agreement or adopt an action plan was associated with a financial penalty, will allow an assessment of the size of the companies, their sector of activity and the commitment of the various stakeholders. A detailed study of the provisions contained in the selected texts will provide better knowledge of the agreement implementation arrangements. What monitoring mechanisms are put in place? How frequently are controls carried out? What actions are carried out by those involved? Is there any possibility of progression by taking into account good practices?

Besides studying processes and actors, it is necessary to consider what the repercussions are of conventional practices. What is the impact on the environments in which these agreements and action plans take place, including the companies themselves, recruitment, training, wages and the presence of women in management bodies?

Examining the contents of these agreements and actions plans should allow us to see whether or not the subject of gender equality has been reinforced within the company’s collective bargaining, and to assess whether the indicators and targets are compatible. Analysis of the application of these agreements will also focus on the construction of compromises and will aim to show that the subject of professional equality is more than just a demand made by trades union organisations, or an administrative and financial burden for company management, but that there is a correlation between the positive repercussions of professional equality policy and company performance.