The Comparative Labour and Social Security Law Journal has been published by COMPTRASEC, UMR 5114 CNRS of the University of Bordeaux since 1981.
A member of the International Association of Labour Law Journals (IALLJ), an international network for exchanging ideas and publications on labour law and social security, the journal aims to contribute to the development and dissemination of analyses and discussions on the law – comparative, international, foreign – of employment and social security and systems of professional relations around the world, as well as on public policies on employment and the related risks.
The Comparative Labour and Social Security Law Journal is published four times a year and aims to foster a multidisciplinary approach.
Issue 1 each year is dedicated to the publication of legal opinion articles in the field of employment referred to as “Studies”, which are submitted spontaneously by authors attached to different legal systems around the world.
Issue 2 includes a thematic section on “Comparative Employment Case Law”, legal opinion commentaries on “International Employment Case Law”, a “bibliographical note” and a section on “Comparative Employment Law Literature”.
Issue 3 is devoted to a “Thematic Dossier” covering a topic chosen collectively by the Editorial Committee.
Finally, Issue 4, which is exclusively published in electronic format and in English, consists of a selection of the best articles published in the paper version in French over the past year. This electronic issue also includes a “Comparative Labour Law Literature” section intended to highlight, from a critical and reflective point of view, the subjects that caught the attention of the comparative employment law authors, which is a way of highlighting the trends in comparative theory.
In addition, issues 1 and 3 of the journal contain a part dedicated to International Legal News consisting of about twenty columns on national and institutional issues. This highlights the most significant normative changes that have occurred over the last six months in various regions of the world and in certain regional and international institutions. Thus, the monitoring of developments in Europe (Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Federation of Russia, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, United Kingdom, Republic of Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey) is presented alongside that of the countries of North Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia), Black Africa (Benin, Burkina-Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal), Southern Africa (South Africa), North America (Canada, United States), Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay), and Asia-Oceania (Australia, China, South Korea, Israel, Japan, Thailand). In addition, analyses of the positions of the Council of Europe (through the European Social Charter, the reports of the Committees of Experts and the decisions of the European Committee of Social Rights), the International Labour Organisation (from the angle of the standards and technical cooperation activity or the supervisory bodies and procedures) and the United Nations Organisation (through the monitoring of the application of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights carried out by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and that of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by the Human Rights Committee) are combined with the monitoring of the activities of the European Union.
The Comparative Labour and Social Security Law Journal has a Scientific Committee and an Editorial Committee.
Publication manager: Philippe Martin
Editor-in-Chief: Isabelle Daugareilh
Deputy Editor: Alexandre Charbonneau
Publishing officer: Marie-Cécile Clément
Postal address: COMPTRASEC – UMR CNRS 5114 – Université de Bordeaux
16, avenue Léon Duguit – CS 50057 – F 33608 PESSAC Cedex
Call for contributions
The Comparative Labour and Social Security Law Journal publishes three calls for contributions each year.
All proposals for articles must include a 500 word abstract and a title.
Manuscripts submitted for publication in the Comparative Labour and Social Security Law Journal must be sent by email or post by 1 February of each year for the Studies (issue 1), Comparative Employment Case Law and International Employment Case Law (issue 2) and by 1 June of each year for the Thematic Dossier (issue 3).
Contributions to the International Legal News section must be sent in by 1 February (for issue 1) and by 1 September (for issue 3).
For all proposed contributions, please follow the Revue‘s editorial instructions.
The Revue publishes original articles after anonymous peer review by two experts.
The opinions expressed in the articles are those of the author and do not represent an official view of the Revue.
When a translation is made into French, this takes place under the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Committee.