Finalised projects

Universite de bordeaux

Regional observatory of psychosocial risks in Aquitaine//




DIRECCTE Aquitaine

Project's holder:

Loïc Lerouge (Chargé de recherche CNRS)

Associated team:

Centre de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale (COMPTRASEC UMR CNRS 5114) - Laboratoire Psychologie, santé et qualité de vie EA4139 - Laboratoire Santé, travail, environnement (LSTE EA3672) - Département d’ergonomie ENSC Bordeaux - Laboratoire de recherche en Information, Communication et Arts (MICA EA 4426) - Département HSE de l’IUT de L’Université Bordeaux - Laboratoire Société Environnement Territoire (SET UMR CNRS 5603) -


September 2011 - june 2016


The notion of “psychosocial risks at work” – but also of “psychosocial disorders” – is a complex and multifactorial question around which join many factors involving stress, harassment (mental or sexual), depression, burn out, discrimination, suicide, etc. The studies putting forward the question of ill-being, not to mention of “suffering”, linked to work, have multiplied over the past years at European or national level.

Facing the large amount of figures and literature on the reality of the phenomenon, but also facing the human and financial cost for society, it becomes urgent to take initiatives going towards the action and a global vision in what we gather under the name of “psychosocial risks” and going beyond the mental harassment and the stress at work. The creation of a “Regional observatory on psychosocial risks in Aquitaine” (ROPSRA) is lead by structural objective. The region of Aquitaine has teams and scientific competence resources working on the theme of psychosocial risks, but whose work remained split for a long time. The objective is then to federate the research within an interdisciplinary approach and web a solid link between the different teams that are competent in the subject in Aquitaine. In its action, the ROPSRA positions itself as this link, but also as a link between the scientific world and the different regional actors/agents for the prevention of professional risks.

The objective of the project is also to specify the awareness of psychosocial risks in the region of Aquitaine. It is about understanding and controlling better the psychosocial risks in order to guarantee the workers a working environment without “psychosocial contamination”, in order to protect their right to mental health, dignity and well-being. The object is also to ensure a legibility of the scientific and institutional teams working on the dilemma of psychosocial risks in Aquitaine and to spread their work on the matter.