Finalised projects

Universite de bordeaux

Human trade for sexual exploitation purposes – the implementation of certain norms as component of the regulation//




Conseil régional d'Aquitaine (with a co-financing CNRS - Université Bordeaux )

Project's holder:

Bénédicte Lavaud-Legendre

Associated team:

University of Pau et des pays de l'Adour, Institut de criminologie du Pays basque, Institut d'études politiques (LAM -Les afriques dans le monde)


5 years – July 2012-June 2017


The project aims at a better understanding of the difficulties met in terms of the fight against the human trade for sexual exploitation purposes.
Two working axes will be defined: a multidisciplinary approach of the event at stake in the practices of the trade, at a cultural, religious and criminal level, and an academic legal approach.
The cooperation with researchers from different subjects (history, anthropology, political science, psychology) will be favoured. The work undertaken should allow to improve the fight against the trade favouring the understanding of the way of functioning of the Nigerian, Bulgarian and Romanian network mainly.
The second axe is directed towards the legal apprehension of the question and particularly towards the confrontation between the current right and the recommendations made by the international institutions. It will consist of two angles of approach. The first will be about the penal mutual aid (legal cooperation and with the police). The second will be on the cooperation between the local agents in charge of the fight against human trade (prefecture, police, public prosecutor’s department, associations, OFII).
Besides, this project includes a practical dimension. Thus, an important work by the local agents in contact with victims of the trade for sexual exploitation purposes will be conducted in view of favouring the conclusion of protocols allowing to improve the support for the people and the cooperation between the agents.