COCT, DGT, Région Nouvelle Aquitaine, Fondation Anthony Mainguené, DREETS Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Project's holder:
Loïc LEROUGEDuration:
5 years
The International Research Chair in Comparative Studies on Occupational Health (CIECST) provides a framework for research and exchange for researchers and stakeholders from diverse backgrounds and influences in occupational health. The key word is “comparison”: comparison of systems, cultures, disciplines, research and practice. The aim is also to link research to citizens. The CIECST promotes a guideline for ethical awareness in occupational health.
Ethics is a common denominator for the different fields of influence of occupational health at the intersection of public health, environment, economic logics and work organisation. The ultimate goal of CIECST is to build and transmit knowledge on occupational health in the form of a platform that brings together researchers of different generations, backgrounds and disciplines, as well as research and the stakeholders who are in charge of the decision-making and action processes.
The creation of the CIECST origins in the willingness of bringing together teams from the Bordeaux campus and the New Aquitaine region in France working on occupational health, comparative labour law and the synergy of disciplines within the Centre for Comparative Labour and Social Security Law (COMPTRASEC UMR 5114 CNRS-University of Bordeaux) The creation of the CIECST is also the result of the national and international network that has been developed, of the interactions implemented between research and stakeholders from the economic and social world in order to promote collective and interdisciplinary work on occupational health.