Finalised projects

Universite de bordeaux

Characteristics and transformations of organised civil society: expertise, mediation and power (France and Western Europe, end of 19th century – 21st century)//




Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine (MSHA) [Aquitaine Institute of Human Sciences]

Project's holder:

Robert Lafore (PR Droit public, IEP de Bordeaux, Comptrasec), Christine Bouneau (PR Histoire contemporaine, Université Bordeaux – Montaigne)

Associated team:

COMPTRASEC UMR 5114 (CNRS Université de Bordeaux) - EA CEMMC (Centre d’études des mondes modernes et contemporains / Université Bordeaux Montaigne) - UMR Centre Emile Durkheim Science politique et sociologie comparatives (CNRS / IEP de Bordeaux / Université de Bordeaux) - UMR FRE 3392 EEE (Europe, Européanité, Européanisation) (Université Bordeaux Montaigne) - EA CLIMAS (Cultures et littératures des mondes anglophones) (Université Bordeaux Montaigne) - EA SPH (Sciences Philosophie Humanités) (Université de Bordeaux et Université Bordeaux Montaigne) - UMR ADESS (Aménagement, Développement, Santé et Sociétés) (CNRS / Université Bordeaux Montaigne / Université de Bordeaux)


5 years - January 2015-January 2020


This project aims to study “organised civil society” in three of its forms: social movement through the social and inclusive economy; parapolitical groups and alternative political movements; technical democracy. For each of these fields, it aims to analyse the types of structuring at three key moments: the foundations in the first half of the 19th century, the period of heavy institutionalisation after the Second World War and finally the contemporary period. France will be at the forefront of the study though comparisons will be drawn with concurrent situations elsewhere.

The theoretical model clearly falls within the framework of neo-institutionalist theories of political analysis, in particular those relating to historical institutionalism. The latter, through comparison and a historical approach, intends to update the institutionalisation processes and the ways of constructing and increasing the longevity of institutional order. Halfway between the great abstract theories (structural functionalism, functionalism, rational choice, etc.) and casuistic analysis, it therefore aims to provide a middle-range perspective, stemming from a possible contextualisation as a result of the diachronic and comparative approach.