Finalised projects

Universite de bordeaux

Ageing and dependence: preventive strategies and care modalities//




University of Bordeaux Idex / HEADS Programme

Project's holder:

Philippe Martin, Pascale Barberger-Gateau

Associated team:

COMPTRASEC UMR 5114 CNRS - University of Bordeaux / INSERM U897


24 months: October 2014-September 2016


With its multidisciplinary approach, this project aims to explore the transitions between different states of ageing, from total autonomy to a high degree of dependence, and to question the relevant forms of social and public regulation. On one hand, it focuses on describing the shift from vulnerability to dependence by analysing health indicators (cognitive, nutritional, visual and others), as well as psychological, economic and social indicators. On the other hand, it analyses the care modalities for dependent individuals from a social, economic, political and legal point of view. This involves an estimate of costs of the various modalities but also an evaluation of social practice in terms of the principles and rules which are supposed to guide them today: human dignity, empowerment, freedom of choice,…